
What if your manager comes and asks you about a 9 months back video project for tweaks ?

Yes I understand that if we we didn’t set up proper file management we are in trouble

I am explain the framework which I set up in my previous organisation

1. Collaboration : Use cloud storage to save your work so that your other designers can easily access for your file and they can contribute on the project

2. File Structure : It plays very important role while saving file so it should be standard to every one should follow the same folder structure


<aside> 👉🏻 2023 > Quarter 1> Sub vertical > Name of the project


3. Project Structure : For video projects  I break into 5 folder

<aside> 👉🏻 A. AE folder - only After effect file ,

B. Footage folder - save all images, raw footage , music etc

C. PR  folder - Premier files

D. Render folder - videos  for preview

E. Delivery folder - For final delivery for the stakeholders


4. Naming : always use the numbering in front of name


<aside> 👉🏻 1_AE






Hopeful this may work for your organisation or personal freelance project.