Have you ever noticed the ad videos that pop up while scrolling through social media?

It's likely that you searched for a related topic at some point in the past.

Yes business or brand run their ad to majorly for 2 purpose

  1. Conversion
  2. Brand awareness

Without further ado let me explain How I strategy and start my process for performance ad

Basically  for conversion we follow 20 - 30 sec duration as come to awareness we 1 to 2 minute

 1. Script in which I narrate the story in the formate collaborated with copy team

Problem Statement > Hero Entry > Solution > Call to action

  1. Storyboarding: It gives a clear picture for me to execute and is also helpful in understanding the same the stakeholders

  2. Production: Animation/compositing which gives life to the video

  3. Post-production: Music and sound design that enhance the audience's emotion

  4. Delivery: Delivery in different dimensions as we can use these assets in different platform

In the end what matters is the result if we didn’t get the desired result we will change the video or strategy .

Life span for Performance video will be 10 - 40 days after that we need change the video or strategy

Any way we need to try and test for different product for different audience

Here you go, couple of the performance video which I worked on.

Transact and Win


Refyne Power Play