We all live in the age of digital📱, right?

Social media is a normal thing in day-to-day life, people consume content every hour in digital formats like Images, posters, videos, and music.

<aside> 👇🏻 Quick access for my work

Gold Saving explainer video >

Pitch video >

Salary Top up explainer video > Spectrum sizzle video >


If you know how the business leverages the power of video to tell the story of their products and make user to take action to buy their products

Remember user don’t buy product because what it is, they buy because how it feel to them. Point which I want to make is emotion, the key to sell the product.

Video plays an important role to evoke the audience's emotion by visual and audio medium.I am here for explaining the process or the pattern which I discover in my motion design journey.

🎯 Well-crafted videos are ones in which easily people can understand the products or the messages we want to convey to the targeted audience.

Below are the thought process that I follow to produce the impactful videos

  1. Script in which I narrate the story in the format: Problem Statement > Hero Entry > Solution > Call to Action
  2. Storyboarding: It gives me a clear picture to execute and is also helpful in understanding the same for stakeholders.
  3. Production: Animation/compositing which brings the video to life.
  4. Post-production: Music and sound design that enhance the audience's emotions.
  5. Delivery: Delivery in different dimensions as we can use these assets on different platforms.

Although the treatment and styling may differ for different objectives, the story should remain the same. Ultimately, people should take action after seeing the video.

Here you go 👇

Share my work which I produce while I was working in Refyne India as Sr. Motion Designer